Asociatia Firmelor Bihorene

Conferință INNO AUTO 2012 - Győr-Moson-Sopron

Conferința și întâlnirea oamenilor de afaceri INNO-AUTO 2012 - ACTIVITĂȚILE INOVATIVE DIN INDUSTRIA AUTO ÎN REGIUNEA "CENTROPE" ȘI ÎN UNGARIA, eveniment organizat de Camera de Comerț și Industrie din județul Győr-Moson-Sopron cu sprijinul Camerei de Comerț și Industrie din Ungaria în data de 8 noiembrie 2012.

Limba oficială a evenimentului: engleză
Participarea la conferință este gratuită, dar se solicită înregistrate prealabilă la adresa 
Pentru alte detalii, vă rugăm să accesați pagina oficială a conferinței:  
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Is your company active in the automotive sector?

Would you like to establish new business relations in Central Europe?

Would you like to meet international suppliers from the automotive sector?

Would you like to get to know the latest automotive innovation trendes?

If your answer is YES to the questions above, our event is for you!

Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Győr-Moson-Sopron County is organizing a brokerage event with the titel „INNO-AUTO 2012" - Innovation in automotive industry in the Centrope region and in Hungary with the support of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry  on 8th November 2012.

The event aims to establish a forum where companies from the automotive sector are able to find new business partners in and out of Centrope region.

The event will be started with a conference whose main topic is innovation, competitiveness and economic development in the automotive sector. The companies can introduce themselves in 120 seconds in the first half of the brokerage event, this will be followed by b2b, bilateral meetings.

The participation at INNO-AUTO 2012 Brokerage Event is free of charge but requires prior registration. You can registrate yourself at the official website of the event by clicking to the following link:

For further information please visit the website of the event (

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